5 Ways to Make Your Business More Secure

Make Your Business More Secure
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These days, it’s more important than ever to consider your company’s safety and security. Businesses are not only at risk from physical security threats such as theft, but with cybersecurity becoming a growing issue, businesses now have to contend with the possibility of cyber-attacks.

In fact, cybercriminals can penetrate a whopping 93 percent of company networks, meaning vigilance should be put at the centre of any company’s long-term strategy.

If you’re a growing business with security as one of your key concerns, here’s how to make your business more secure in five easy ways.

Know Your Data

The first step in keeping your business safe from cyber-attacks is to do a comprehensive security audit of all the sensitive information you hold. Understand what data is sensitive, how it’s used and who uses it. Some data could put you at risk of litigation if it was to be leaked or hacked, so prioritise keeping this data safe.

If any of your data is stored in physical copies, such as paper format, upload it to a secure storage place on your computer, instead. This reduces the risk of the information being lost or stolen.

Secure Your Premises

While cyber-attacks are on the rise, businesses are still at risk of old-fashioned break-ins. If you have business premises, the best way to protect them from theft or damage is to first conduct an audit of how secure they are.

Do you have multiple locks, gates, and keypads, or just one? Does your store or offices have shutters that can pull down? Do you have an alarm that goes off in case of intrusion?

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If you’re looking to tighten up your lock security, invest in items such as CLK lock pinning tools. Make sure there are multiple barriers that a thief would have to break through to get to your items.

Keep desks free from confidential materials, and put sensitive documents or expensive equipment into locked drawers or safes.

Have a Password System

This one seems self-explanatory, but many businesses fail to implement this one simple change. To avoid visitors to your site or hackers breaching your online security, set up a password system.

Establish a customised policy of strong passwords by requiring that passwords require X amount of numbers or characters, for example. Alternatively, use a randomly generated strong password app, and make sure employees don’t write down their passwords under any circumstances. Enable two-step authentication to make sure the person in front of the computer matches the login they’re trying to access.

It’s also worth changing the default settings on computers to ensure credit card details and the like aren’t being automatically stored.

Keep Operating Systems Up to Date

When large companies such as Apple experience a data breach, they’ll often update their security with new features that keep your data safer. Failing to keep operating systems on work mobiles and laptops up to date can leave your business at risk of working with technology that’s vulnerable to breaches.

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